
Status Report.

公開日: : 最終更新日:2014/08/31 Harsh Reality


This is only a status report to my customer, who have been great customers when I was in charge of global operation of Hida Sashiko Company. Reality is torturing my mother and me. Things are getting messier and nastier day by day. To be honest, I cannot even pretend that I am okay.

However, I feel responsible to report the status.

As much as I hoped I could fulfill my responsibility, this is the note to show my days.

(This note is only effective as of Jan 25th 2014. Status could change, and please send me an e-mail for more information.)


October 2013, my father, who was the CEO of Hida Sashiko Company, had passed away suddenly. After his death, I was about to determine myself to try to keep what my father and I tried to protect. In spite of my will, the founder of the company, who is my grandmother, became the CEO. I was fine with it as long as she respects the projects we engaged in.


At the end of mourning period, the new CEO declared that the company will no longer do any business to oversea customers. Besides this decision, the CEO recommended me to quit the company to “pursuit Atsushi’s goal (that’s what she said.)” For some reasons, my mother also had to quit the company. (I will explain the detail of her dismissal later.)


Although I didn’t completely understand what the CEO means by to pursuit my goal, I made peace with situation because I didn’t want it to get nasty and ugly. I decided to quit the company with the agreement that 『Although Hida Sashiko will no longer do business oversea, Atsushi can take care of the orders by buying the threads from the company to fulfill the responsibility.』In fact, I made two shipment on January 2014.


This is the situation I have already explained to most of my customers when I get e-mail from them. I apologize for those who didn’t get explanation. I will explain via e-mail for more detail if you could send me an e-mail.


Meanwhile, my mother didn’t agree with the decision by company. Although she lives on employment insurance for now, she decided to take the legal action for her situation. She talked to the officer in the Labor Standards Inspection Office of Japan.


The LSIO claimed her statement to the company, and now, I am burned. I don’t know how this could be logical or rational, but the company terminated the agreement I had, the one I can fulfill my responsibility by sending the threads to current customers.


Therefore, as of Jan 25th 2014, I cannot take any orders from current and future customers. I can get your e-mail and I am willing to explain the situation and possible future with details.

However, for now, this is the harsh reality I am facing to.


You can contact me via this blog, or the e-mail address you have.

I sincerely apologize for this. I wish I could have more power and authority. I will update once I could change something, either good or bad.


Best Regards,



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