Green Beans in Soy Sauce
Vegetarian Recipes English
Easy, but tasty Japanese recipe.
I wouldn’t say all of the american food, but most of food in American restaurant is pretty heavy. So, here is the rich, tasty, and even healthy Japanese recipe for vegetarian.
Better than eating out in MacDonald 🙂
GBSS (Green Beans in Soy Sauce)
- Green Beans (The fresher, the better:Amount of 2 Asian male handful grabbing. (probably for 3 if you are a girl.) / I gotta buy a cooking scale…
- VEGETA(Vegetable seasoning.):1/2 tea spoon
- Table solt:1/2 tea spoon
- Butter:1 table spoon
- Sugger:1 table spoon
- Soy Sauce (Japanese brand / not the one for Sushi) :2 table spoon(if you like salty food, 3 table spoon)
Simple 10 minute cooking !!
1. Rinse the green beans with cold water. Wipe the water and place it on the plate so you can throw them away at once.
2. Melt the butter in frying pan. It is so beautiful to see the butter becoming to liquid. It is erotic.
* If you are Vegan, you can use olive or sesame oil instead of butter
3. This is the VEGETA I use. pretty good spice for vegetarian.
4. Before the melted butter get brown colored, add the green beans at once. Do not hesitate. Keep your fire as strong as possible (in the level of family stove usage.)
5. After you add the green beans to the pan, stair the beans (or shake the pan) for few times to blend butter and beans. Then, add the salt and VEGETA. Do NOT lower the heat (or fire)
6. After adding the salt and VEGETA, keep stir-frying for a minute or 2 minutes. It should start getting slightly burned.
7. After you see some of nice brown/black burn, add the sauce (mixture of soy sauce and sugar above) at once. Again, do not hesitate.
8. Keep stirring, shaking your pan, and if you can, flip the beans into the air to blend the sauce to beans.
9. After you see the soy sauce start burning a little bit, and sauce get sticker (richer), it is almost done. Let’s dish it up.
Butter, Sugar and Soy Sauce is the golden combination for Japanese people. It never taste bad with stir frying dish. You could add Tofu or other Vegetable if you want. If you are not vegetalian, chickin would be a good combination. It is pretty easy to cook, but it is hard to explain the recipe and document the process. I sincerely respect the chefs who update their recipe online and keep posting the blogs.
Regardless of my complaints, I will do so to enjoy my stay-at-home husband days!
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